Monday, June 18, 2007


Big up to the most gorgeous baby west of 7th street, Ms. Uma (babyuma.blogspot) - I'm back on the blog front!!!
and sho' to be takin inspiration from your moms'
the most dedicated blogga ever
what follows are bits and pieces of little things ive drafted that've been sitting in the draft folder way too long:

Luna said recently "mommy i wish you were a little girl and you could come to school and play with me all day" in the sweetest damn voice lookin up at me with her Bambi eyes and all i wanted to say was "yes i wish i could be a little girl like you too baby"
at close to 4 1/2 luna seems to be going through the adolescence of ealy childhood...theres the peers and theres the parents. one minute she's changing into a dress because she wants to "match Julia", or she wants me to leave her alone because she "needs privacy", the next she's begging me to rest my head or her pillow and stay with her until she falls asleep or looking for my smile when she's dunked her head in the pool for the first time. i sense her push and pull , and go with the flow beinning to feel nostalgic for just a year ago when she seemed lightyears younger and less independent

and my little luks?
my little adorable swedish son? i could have left him at the petting zoo for days thrusting fistfuls of feed at the goats and sheep
bracing myself everytime at his abandon
lack of fear in the slightest
and let me tell you that yould think the alpaca would look like the craziest creature ever when your 18 months
but little lukas was just freakin out at the animals everywhere
trying to pet them
(or pull their tails)

lukas doesnt walk
he runs
hes always ran
its been about 8 months now that his little torso is being propelled forward
somethin about his build makes it s that his center of gravity seems lower and he just
takes off
the second hes out of the stroller
hes off
and falling
and pointing
and yelling
"mire this and mire that or "mami, mire this and mami mire that"
and running running
not looking back

luna nd lukas were taking a bath the oher day with their friend Lucian
(yes, the L possee)
having a glorious time
lukas filling and dumping and refilling an empty botte of shampoo
Lucian and Lukas taking turns spraing each other with the detachable handheld shower head... i swear luna would just lean back and lucian would spray her body
it was this pure moment of abandon as he wet her like cleopatra in the nile
and i prayed she would always be as secure
and hang-up free