Friday, August 04, 2006

vaccines suck

poor little LUki has not been such a happy camper these past almost 48 hours
the damn shots just made him into zombie baby and now hot baby
as in damn this baby's hot, hot
as in give him a bath at 3 in the morning to cool him down and i think we gotta keep track of his fever rectally hot, hot
poor baby
i started to really freak when he turned his head away at my boob
i couldnt believe it
what? how you gonna deny yourself my boob in your time of need
made me a little panicky-he must really be not feeling well i thought
for a brief hot second fleeting thought sof weaning him flashed
but the sadness at the prospect that followed set me straight
go figure
being a mommy, a stay at home mommy is to dance the yin and yang of motherhood
most of the time i am loving it, but then there are the moments of struggle
i love how connected i feel with him, the communiation that passes in our eye contact is unreal
how is it that a mother can know exactly what her child is feeling---it is no wonder then , that she panics when she can't figure out what it could be
i love my lazy days with him, bathing him old school in the kitchen sink
my companion for the day
all day --my sidekick, my buddy
it is special
by home is starting to take shape
i am giving myself to the end of the month
then i have to start to shift and begin to focus on other things hopefully
but it is pretty hard to do when you live in clutter
tryin to clear the clutter these days
come over and take some home with you
just carry it out

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