Tuesday, July 11, 2006

2 weeks in berlin and counting....

strict adherence to all street crossing rules even if there is not a moving vehicle anywhere in sight
lady taxi drivers riding fancy beamers with built in child booster seats
child friiendly germans at the sightseeing spots leeting mamas with kiddies jump to the front of the queue
pregnant women on bicycles - why dont I see them in new york?
naked children running buck wild at the playgrounds
beer at the playgrounds
sandboxes at the beer gardens
inflatable kiddie pools by the tables outside next to bar
tasty apple fizzy soda
cheap delicious icecream
and croissants
who would have guessed
styley grocery carts at the market
and lots and lots of green

the male energy at the stadium was palpable the day of the argentina germany game
the homophobic chants by the argentine fans "a esos putos hay que ganar" and the brawny german men double fisting beer was overwhelming
something about being in sucha sausage filled stadium made me uneasy
the physical presence and power of all these men srceaming
i missed the long lines at the ladies room
where were all the ladies at?
thousands of people at t he event and barely no line for the toilet
now that is pretty damn wild

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