Monday, November 27, 2006


The scene:
I'm on the computer in the soon-to-be hooked up den/office/spillover kids room. Luna and Lukas rae occupying themselves for the time being in her room. Luna seems to be mostly talking to herself and her friendsat school that she imagines to be there with her. She seems to be negotiating sharing her sandwich(also imaginary ) with them. She is also using big grown-up scissors to cut pieces o f packing tape that i think she's using to make/tape some papers together. Lukas is quietly pulling most things off her shelves and tossing them on the floor. Lukas starts to grunt at her.
Luna interrupts her monologue, turns to him , and says, "Si, lukas yo me llamo Luna. Muy bien Lukas. Yo me llamo Luna." She then turns back around and continues talking with herself.

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