Monday, April 06, 2009

mars n venus

I've heard it said
That after you have a child you think you know what parenting is all about
and then you have another
and you realize how little you know

so true.
for me.

just stuck lukas in the tub
that'll usually keep him super happy for 25 minutes
give me some guilt-free computer time

it's been laundry laundry laundry
this morning
and he couldnt be less interested
like luna, lukas likes to play in the same room I'm in
and can be ok independently making his dinosaurs roar
unlike luna, he could care less what i'm doing
wanna help me sort the laundry? let's fold it together? can you put the towels in the bag for me?
no thanks mama, a jump on the back, a slick kiss on the mouth
anything but yes
i'm gonna close the lights on you mama
the game is on
let's skateboard through the house
let's sneak and eat icecream under the table
and spray it all over the door
the name of the game
is smile, breathe, and remember these days are numbered
live it.

luna woulda been all up in my doings
and still is
sure i can help you fold mama
i can do my own

planets apart

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