Friday, May 12, 2006

After the rain

It is an absolutely glorious green day. I am so thankful to have a park on the corner that I can walk through to get just about anywhere.
Lukas was so lucky to have been born in January, so he could hibernate at home the first few cold months and then open up his chubster self to Thompkins Square Green.
Went to go see about "work" for the Fall today at some neighborhood schools. Also a nice covert way to walk around spaces where Luna may be spending her day in a few years.
Been thinking a lot about the semantics of word "work" in my life now.
When is something you do considerd the verb work? what connotations and baggage does the word carry, especially when in relation to motherhood?
Is it work only when you are paid for something? No, that is only work as employment. The other broadly used definition is when you are exerting yourself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something.
Is that what I am doing now? When do I clock in? and When do I clock out? Do I ever?
How is that "making" or accomplishment measured? How is the dedication of the time to nurturing a relationship with my children measured? Does it fall under the canopy of "work"? Perhaps a new word for the time and energy spent with children , particularly with the raising and caring of children needs to be created.
More on that in a future posting.
Now I'm just glad I'm not at work. I actually have time to walk around with Lukas and think about these things.

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