Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Motel 7 Day2

my life is pretty nightmarish right now
the place we are in is like a large storage room
we are surrounded with boxes and we all sleep in the middle on a queen size mattress
dont know where anything is
no fridge or stove
its not like you can "hang out" there - well unless u r sitting on the mattress
and our space will be ready
god knows when
luckily luna is such a trooper
im amzaed and how flexible she is being to all these changes and transitions and moves
despite the fact that theres no routine
even lunch for school now has to be whatever i can get at the deli for a 3yr old
like hard boiled eggs and bananas
shes so good
she keeps me going
not to mention little lukas who just sucks away
mamas boy
inhaling construction dust all day long
left him with malcolm and allie at lisa's yesterday while i went to move the car and i could hear his blood curdling cries from the street (lisa is on the sixth floor!!!)
he loves that titty
so here i am at my fav old school internet cafe
Alt Coffee
where I guess ill just check my email every morning
since im basically urban camping on 7th street
come visit
pull up a box
at Motel 7

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