Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy four months LukasLeon!

Pulling up to close to the halfway point of 06 in the Prius and where has the time gone? .Pretty much 100 percent into domestic responsibilities and endeavors my dear watson. Giving life to Lukas, caring for him, seeing LUna through her first few months of preschool, moving our home, designing and preparing a new one...it is the stuff of a life, not the stuff of a resumee
Lukas is a full-on 4 month baby now. His infant Shar-pei wrinkles have been filled in with lots of chub..He is a super smiler
i know his secret tickle spot just to the right of his heart that will guarantee a giggle. and the conversations. i swear we spoke for twenty minutes the other day just gurgling back and forth with a few high pitched other sounds thrown in there for variation. he's also a total mamas boy -he hates the stroller and the bottle. that qualifies as an official appendage. I have five limbs in case you didnt notice.
the never ending drooling recently means i think i may have to battle out some early teething while Pablo is away
geez louise i hope not
Marcelo says Lukas' hands are like quicksand
when you relax they barely do anything
but when you pull away they tug on you

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